Sunday, November 28, 2010

design styles

Digital 1985-

Contemporary 1980-

Post Modern 1974-1990

Psychedelic 1960-1975

Swiss/international 1945-1985
Late modern 1945-1970
American Kitsch 1940-1960

Art Deco 1925-1940

Early Modern 1910-1935

Art Nouveau 1890-1910

Arts & Crafts 1850-1900


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Josef Muller-Brockmann

I find Josef Muller-Brockmann’s work interesting, mainly because of its simplicity and effectiveness. In his designs there is a lot of empty space, drawing the eye to the main message being seen in each design.

There is dominant use of the late modern graphic design style in Josef’s work. The Swiss type of style is visible in the emphasis on function, placement and structure in each design. The size and arrangement of text is very precise in its alignment.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Swiss Miss is a cool design blog I like as it concentrates on the simple, effective parts of design that I like to look at.

Its layout is easy to read compared to some blogs, and I like its articles and pictures.


In association with "Renew Newcastle", Zookraft are image-makers and creative collaborators. Never ones to shy away from an artistic adventure, ZK are credited for designing everything from posters and t-shirt graphics through to wall art and layout design with a whole lot of illustration in between.

Zookraft is company includes Carl Morgan and Lara Schubert who have both been involved in design and illustration since they could remember. Situated off the Hunter Street Mall in the Hive Studios, is where Carl and Lara can be found getting freakishly creative. They're design philososphy is mainly based around the idea that nothing can be to creative, just to good. Carl is also a teacher in the design area at Newcastle Unviersity.

Monday, November 15, 2010

ART EXPRESS HSC visual arts exhibition

The annual exhibition of HSC works of art included some unique, creative work from around Newcastle. It was presented in association with the NSW Department of Education and Training and the Officer of the Board of Studies NSW.

The above work was done by Holly Farrell from Warners Bay high school. The art work is called 24 rabbits. It is about the introduction of the European rabbit into Australia and its destructive effect it had on our environment. Holly attempts to establish the issue of preserving, preventing or exterminating introduced species, which according to her is important because she sympathises with rabbits.. I like the repetitive use of rabbits behind a thick, blood-red outline of a big rabbit to emphasize holly's idea of the destructive effect rabbit had on Australia's environment. The origami rabbits at the bottom are pretty cool to.

Desktop November issue!

Published monthly, Desktop is the only design magazine on the Australian market to have been digitally set since its first issue. Desktop has continued to give readers the best information and features on the creative happenings, where digital technology parallels and intersects design, communication and publishing culture.

The November issue of Desktop magazine is pretty interesting, and has one particular article in it that explores the latest trends in mobile technology, apps (applications) that you can download on your phone that are interactive and have to do with just about anything.

Every phone company seems to want newer better applications for their latest mobile technology gadget. What I found most interesting about this article was the way companies and clients are able to explore and produce incredibly innovative and creative apps that people can get on their phone. e.g. one app mentioned in the article allowed people to take photos of problems in their local area, such as ugly graffiti tags, a cracked footpath, fallen tree or pretty much any issue that can be remedied by the local council. Then, using their phone’s GPS they can send this image – along with notes – to the council to alert them to the problem, and where they can find it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

one undone

creating some products under the name "one undone" for a tafe project at art bazzar towardsthe end of the year...this an illustration I did and scanned onto the computer...basically some crazy tentacles taking down a cross. the font is "karabinE"....due to further R & D as well as some feedback, I"m going to alter the cross to the form of a "1"....